And there's reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last
Sometimes music lyrics are pretty damn perfect. This song rang in my head for all of December. Perhaps it is this lyric that sat the hardest:
The smell of hospitals in winter
And the feeling that it's all a lot of oysters, but no pearls
I lost a dear friend to covid in October, but the pain of his loss hit so hard for me in December. He loved Christmas. He lived for family events. And he and I caught up each year during the quiet between Christmas and the New Year. He said he liked talking to me when he knew I was on the right (or left) side of the Atlantic.
Sadly, there are so many stories of 2020 that sound like this. Some more personal. Some less. And even for those who haven't lost someone, there has been loneliness and isolation to go around.
And it's one more day up in the canyons
And it's one more night in Hollywood
But here is what I know for sure…You are loved. You are not alone. You are valuable. I don't have to know you to know that this is true of you. When you took your first breath, it uttered the name of God (if you believe in such things…and even if you don't).
I saw some pretty gorgeous things about human nature this year. People who checked in on each other. Friends who reconnected because video happy hours were a thing now. Hobbies and habits that allowed people to explore their talents and creativity. Couples who could really finally understand one another's daily life and struggle…and use that information to make decisions about being together or apart in times to come. Kids who managed to push through despite this whole thing being painfully hard on them.
Things will shift again. Time will pass and this season will move on. And we will travel and be together. Hugs will be more precious than ever. Normal will be different but there will be normal again.
If you think you might come to California I think you should
Other notable things in December:
First opportunity to attend the Berlin CTO Club. Interesting group of guys with great backgrounds in leading tech and/or building companies
Our Friday Advent Zoom Meetings for the Tourlane Team were really fun. We had a trivia night, cookie baking with a co-founder, tree decorating with another co-founder, and then finally a holiday variety show! :)
Super proud of my team for our performance calibration sessions. This was something we hadn't done before as a team and most of the leaders on my team have little experience in this sort of process. They were rockstars and professionals through it all.
Virtual Happy Hours with Marilyn, Alena, Rachel, Stephanie, and of course Christmas Day with the Family
Christmas Eve with my favorite Australians and New Years Eve Eve dinner with one of my top 5 German friends
I saw a psychic for the first time and had an annual Tarot reading along with my bestie…both experiences really amazing. (Thanks for reaching out Dad!)
Everything doesn't change on January 1st…but moving away from dates ending in 2020 can't hurt. I'm here if you need a listening ear…and my heart is with all of us moving into a new season.