Hi Friends,
Since my last newsletter, I have handed over my work at the tiny startup where I was giving my all these past 2+ years, and have begun a much needed break. I am 7 weeks into this restful space and it has been a very interesting time. If you want to know how I’ve been spending my time, I break it down in a new blog post on my site which you can read here.
It’s also been a time for serious reflection. Time to reflect on what I don’t want. Time to start thinking about what I do. Below is the start of the list…
Only talk to companies interested in solving real customer problems and for whom the customer is the most important citizen in the ecosystem
The work I do must make the world better for someone
I will not convince founders, CEOs, and investors on the importance of Product Mindset and the role of product management. If they understand the importance and want my help, then I’m here to talk. If not…let’s save ourselves some time
I want something that is a match for my ambition level and pace…across the entire company. We will not burn people out. But we will also be willing to work hard because we love what we do
No build-to-fundraise-to-build-to-fundraise cycles (this ties to bullet #1 as well)
I want to work somewhere where how people are onboarded, rated, given feedback, AND offboarded is always done with dignity and respect. We lead whole people and I want that to be reflected in the team member lifecycle
There should be defined (or a desire to define) unified values (call them what you want….leadership principles, ways of working, whatever) that everyone can rally around. These should show up in how we talk about our vision, our strategy, our team…as well as how we hire, promote, and review ourselves and team members
I want to build things that we as a team can be proud of because of high levels of quality, solving problems as no one else does, and doing so with everyone’s humanity intact
I want diversity to be more than just something that leaders say. I want it to be measured and worked for, while making room for each of us to understand and learn our own biases and participation in patriarchy and marginalization
This list will grow, change, and evolve.
I know these things are possible because I’ve worked in places like this. And I want to work in a place like this again. I want to be a part of the solution to these areas, but I want to feel like part of team in that pursuit.
Until next time…