Hi Friends,
I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but this week the sun and heat have come to London!
My first thought is: WOO HOOOO!
My second thought is: I need a pedicure!
It’s been an interesting week over on my blog and in my coaching business. If I were going to give it a theme, I’d say that a lot of my clients are talking about feeling tired and stuck. I shared my thoughts about getting stuck worrying about what we can’t do and not seeing what we can here.
Many are just itching for a break and some sunshine on their faces. It feels a bit like Spring Fever came a bit late this year and everyone is starting to chafe against their regular work days. That can mean that managers and leaders have a challenge to face in keeping things moving and cared for on their teams. I shared some thoughts about summertime leadership.
After everyone gets a break and we move into the 2nd half of the year, it can be a good time to think about what the year has brought so far. And in this time of reflection, what if you gave yourself permission to DREAM BIG??
To round out the week, I also shared my find for the Wednesday Watchlist…the We Can Do Hard Things podcast with beautiful guest Andrea Gibson. And I shared my love of the Oceans as we celebrated World Oceans Day.
So that’s it, Lovelies! I hope you get some sun on these long days (in the Northern Hemisphere) and stay warm and cozy (in the Southern Hemisphere).
PS…Malcolm has a new title: CBO - Chief Birdwatching Officer