Perhaps it’s the change of weather or maybe too much “Love is Blind” on Netflix, but for some reason so many of my metaphors and examples this week have been very aggressive.
“Go in guns a-blazing”
“Don’t plan to go postal”
“I’m wrestling with this idea”
“I want to set the whole thing on fire”
The truth is I know exactly what it is. I (like so many other women) have a hidden pocket of rage that is getting poked and prodded by some of the behaviors I see in the world. Well…mostly hidden.
I really don’t want to hide it anymore. I am enraged by the way that men pushed their way into the Grace Hopper conference and the noise that they are making about just wanting “equal access to opportunities.” Seriously gents…go fuck yourselves (there’s the rage!) We’ve been trying to get EQUAL ACCESS for generations…you can miss 3 days in Florida and live!
Also, did you hear that the new CTO and CPO at Netflix are women? No? Yeah, the media didn’t cover it…because they DON’T GIVE A SHIT!
Every week I get some sort of indication that two (at least) of the former CEOs I worked for continue to be narcissistic pricks…yup…that makes me feel rage. Mostly at their male colleagues who sit and look stupid rather than stand up to these asshats. (yup…rage!)
Finally (and I’ll write about this more when I get some slight perspective), this week when I told a potential service provider that I wasn’t interested in his product he called me a bitch and offered?/threatened? to eat my pussy. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT???? I asked him if he said that to men when they rejected him or if that was a special rage he saves for female entrepreneurs…to which he replied “Holi shit. Fuck off, widow.” Which gave me the joy (sarcasm) of finding out that in Sri Lankan culture “widow” is an abusive term because single woman and widows are considered bad luck and not wanted around because they bring doom. Awesome (eyeroll)
So yeah…maybe all of that showed up in my metaphor and planning language this week. Now I just need to get back to my inner self and offer me some calm, quiet and love. I certainly deserve it…and so do you!
Until next week…xx
Oh, and I watch Love is Blind like a damn crack addict.
I feel every inch of this. I work in a woman run company, but it's now owned by men, and it shows big time. They are awful. And one of the 3 partners decided to unleash on me. BIG mistake. HUGE.
Little Man, I been working in this business longer than you are old. Fucker.
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?!