For 5 weeks I have put together some thoughts each Monday on Boundaries. Part of the impetus for that was that so many of my clients were struggling with setting boundaries, holding boundaries, or the aftermath of shame and low confidence when they didn’t keep their boundaries.
In the midst of all of this, I found myself in a tricky situation with someone who is in my universe but is basically a stranger. I let her encroach on well-constructed boundaries. I allowed this person to “other” me by drawing circles around our shared people and making sure I was on the outside of the circle. And rather than speaking my boundary to her, I found myself complaining and “venting” to friends who I knew would say “Yeah, she’s a jerk and you don’t deserve that.”
I’m now ready to move forward. To mend the hole in my fence. To give myself some structure. To articulate how she is allowed to engage with me and offer her an exit out of relationship if she’d prefer. I’m ready to take back my joy. I’m prepared to take criticism from others if my self-respect and fences make them uncomfortable.
So this week, instead of a run down of all of my content for these past weeks, I will use this space to encapsulate all of my boundary work. As a reminder to me…and a place for you.
Below you’ll find links to each week’s blog post and video:
Good Fences Week 1 - Introduction to Boundaries
Good Fences Week 2 - Types of Boundaries & Common Misconceptions
Good Fences Week 3 - Setting Boundaries
Good Fences Week 4 - Managing Fence Jumpers
Good Fences Week 5 - The Joy of Boundaries
If you need some help diving into boundaries, message me at :)