I'm not sure a New Years Eve has ever had so much pressure as the changeover from 2020 to 2021. We've set the expectations for a turn-around pretty damn high and this little new year is trying.
A few things I've noticed:
A lot of people are struggling. The dark and cold of winter can be hard in a good time. But the pandemic seems to be pushing on all of our limits to carry on in good humor and without some gloom
Most people are really trying. Trying to stay positive. Trying to show up for others. Trying to be hopeful. And that is the beauty of human nature.
We are so ready to get on with living that we sometimes are forgetting that we are living right now. I keep reminding myself that today…this moment…is what I have so to be all the way in it.
The idea of "come on through” is to arrive. To push through to the other side. To move from hopeful expectation to peaceful realization. And for that, I am asking 2021 to Come On Through! We are waiting with eagerness to receive you.
In January, I launched a full redesign of my blog with the help of my talented friend Noel and I was able to start really sharing the things that I feel are important. Such as…
Some advice about how to Save Yourself from toxic environments and my thoughts about one of the most important choices you'll make in your next job choice
My feelings about the first woman Vice President
A little story of how my first dream job has blended into what I do today
And a teeny tiny bit of fiction that spilled out one morning sitting in the early morning sun
When it comes to what I've been reading, my blog also has a slightly different layout there. You can now see a short review of anything I read and get a feel for what you can expect based on my interpretation. Must reads from January include:
If you are curious about what books I loved from 2020 you can also read my selections and runners up here.
Hold tight dear ones! We are going to make it. We will eat in restaurants again. We will have parties again. We will go dancing again. We will TRAVEL again!